If this word is new to you, you are not alone. Ayurveda is a system of healing that originated in India over 5,000 years ago. Translated from Sanskrit, “Ayurveda” means the wisdom of life. The approach to healing is PREVENTATIVE, ideally intervening with diet and lifestyle choices long before the disease actually has a name. If illness arises, the approach to treatment is natural & holistic, using diet and mostly plant-based medicines to heal. Ayurvedic treatment always looks to understand the root cause of disease and eliminate it instead of simply masking symptoms.
Ayurveda falls under the category of “Alternative Healing,” a catchall for any modality outside of allopathy. Whether you are working with a medical professional already and would like to complement a current treatment or you know you’d like to try an alternate solution, consider Ayurveda. Have a conversation with me to see it it’s a fit.
Is Ayurveda for me?
Whether you are considered healthy or are dealing with illness, Ayurveda has a place in your life. Known as the science of self-healing, Ayurveda ultimately strives to increase longevity whilst providing ease in the body, mind and spirit.

Ayurveda’s goal is to help you identify the root of the problem, which almost always begins in the mind, and provide you nutritional and lifestyle recommendations, an appropriate herbal protocol if needed while supporting you during the journey toward deep and long lasting healing.
Learn now!
Do you know some, a little or absolutely nothing about it and would simply like to learn more? The gift of knowledge will benefit you and those around you indefinitely. Maybe you are raising children and want to set them up for a life of radiant health? Or perhaps you are caring for a loved one who’s struggling with health issues. Bring Ayurveda into your lives; the options are endless: cooking, healing home remedies, lifestyle choices, and so much more.
Start with this easy to understand free Ayurveda Primer!